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Bubble Art is an independent producer of entertainment, cultural and political content such as radio broadcasts, podcasts, videos, with an open stage for live shows and shooting and recording studios in Villeurbanne. Our ever-evolving medium mostly deals with environmental, social and humanitarian issues. The U-MAN! initiative trains its microphones and cameras on these different areas with an optimistic and sensitive perspective.


As committed non-profit journalists we want to

-      have a sound relationship to factual truth and opinions

-      give a voice to NGOs’ pleas, to individuals, and also to artists, in that they expand the field of knowledge

-      promote environmental and humanitarian activism

-      foster solidarity and win our audiences loyalty


Our organisation is flexible, the young people who regularly join the team enrich our broadcasts and podcasts, contributing to our evolution.


Creativity is our raison d’être, but Bubble Art is also a place where different talents supplement and enhance each other. The keywords that best capture the values which connect us to our audience are voluntary work, creativity, the environment, commitment, adaptability, initiatives, international, local, reality, solidarity.


As an independent medium, we address all topics, whether political, economic or social, without taboos. Each of our productions is unique both in form and content. Thanks to our numerous participants we gain a better understanding of national and international humanitarian issues. By using appropriate media we pass this enhanced vision on to our audience. Positive feedback both sustains and gratifies us. When faced with criticism, we strive to be humble, to listen and to understand in order to improve our practices. This is why we value your reactions.

We kindly invite you to regularly check out our programmes. You will be surprised by the variety of productions on offer. All suggestions welcome.


Our loft in Villeurbanne hosts

  • exhibitions (painting, sculpture, installations) and workshops (tango, yoga, shiatsu)

  • live performances: music, drama, poetry, circus, cinema and acoustic experiments

  • Filming and recording open to the public




Programmes on environmental and humanitarian concerns with the U-MAN! initiative (see below)                 :


Creative videos


Cultural programmes


Video production services: (3 cameras and videoconference), please contact us for a quote.

Our shows can be found

  • on traditional on-air radios, DAB+ and partner digital radios
  • on web networks: YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcast and more

U-MAN! initiative

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The U-MAN! initiative produces videos and podcasts on environmental and humanitarian concerns.

Avoiding biased information and shallow investigations, the U-MAN! Project hosts discussions and analyses on international crises from various points of view, including those of the protagonists directly in contact with these issues. We cover all types of humanitarian actions, ranging from emergency aid to development aid, with a special focus on ecological problems. We also explore NGO efficiency in terms of their ability to respond to global and local issues.

This show is hosted and led by Pierre Alain Gourion; created by Benjamin Courlet and Pierre Alain Gourion, supported by Nawel Bab-Ahmed, Thierry Borde (Couleur FM radio), Gilles Collard (Bioforce), Jean-Pierre Delomier (Humanity and Inclusion), Rose-Marie Di Donato (Resacoop), Philippe Morié (Agir ensemble pour les droits humains), Patrick Verbrueggen (Triangle Génération Humanitaire).



Our Podcasts and Videos in English

« The majority of farmers who produce food for the rest of the world themselves sleep hungry. »

In a context of global agricultural crisis, farmers’ protests emerge all around the world, among which the 2020-2021 year-long Indian farmers’ protest.
Devinder Sharma, Indian author and journalist, is an expert on agriculture. He shares his knowledge on food and trade policy, and their consequences on the living conditions of the farmers.

Animated by Pierre Alain Gourion
Sound technique by Guilhem Devecchi
Shots by Astrid Daim
Video editing by Astrid Daim and Chloé Cros

Ravneet Kaur is a young Indian lawyer who went to France in July 2022 to participate in Dialogues in Humanity. She tells us about her country and in particular the acid attacks that take place there, a subject she studied for her law thesis.


Animated by Pierre Alain Gourion

Sound technique by Guilhem Devecchi

Shots and video editing by Astrid Daim

U-MAN! #78 -  Advocacy, Pleading (The land grabbing in Indonesia)

U-MAN ! #78_VignetteVideo.jpg

As a Lawyer in Indonesia, Era Purnama Sari acts for human rights and against land grabbing. Invited by the city of Lyon in the context of the Mindchangers and Shelter City programs, she joins a debate with two other barristers, Tim Hughes (President of Agir ensemble) and Edouard Raffin (specialised in environmental law), plus Elise Goy (member of Agir ensemble).


This program was produced as part of the "U-MAN! Rights?" initiative, supported by Mindchangers, a project funded by the European Union (DEAR) and RESACOOP.

In partnership with the NGO Agir Ensemble pour les Droits Humains.


Animated by Pierre-Alain Gourion

Live Music by Alain Pierre

Sound technique by Arthur Chevais

Shots by Inès Gast

Video editing by Mathilde Polegato

Chuu Wai Nyein is a painter from Burma. She came in France after the coup by the Burmese army in her country in February 2021. Engaged in the feminist cause, she questions in her works the place of women in the burmese society by using strong cultural symbols. She talks about the status of women, the socio-political situation in Burma and her sources of inspiration.


Animated by Madeleine Pauchon

Sound technique by Benoit David

Shots by Mathis Capéran

Video editing by Mathile Polegato

Interview with Alexa Pugh, in charge of communication at the 2020 Dialogues in Humanity Festival.

American studying in France, she talks about the issues raised by Dialogues in Humanity and urges us not to lose hope for the world.


Animated by Gustavo Guitierrez Medina

Sound technique by Yoann Pinto

Shots by Gustavo Guitierrez Medina and Madeleine Pauchon

Video editing by Gustavo Guitierrez Medina



U-Man, a new humanitarian radio programme


Pierre-Alain Gourion is the founder of Bubble Art, a Lyon-based multi-cultural association that has launched “U-Man” a radio and video programme on humanitarian action that intends to become a sounding board.


Humanitarian  Alternatives  –  Pierre-Alain Gourion, please describe to us this new one-off thing called Bubble Art. How did this multi-faceted project come about?


Pierre-Alain Gourion  –  Bubble Art is the association I created when I was still a lawyer. After a thirty-five-year career and with a strong interest in culture, I thought that creating an independent legal structure to publish, write, shoot pictures, make sound recordings would make good sense. I first used it mainly to present art exhibits and organise Argentinian tango events, and later we set ourselves up in an old boiler making factory that we converted into a loft and a playhouse to launch live shows and on-camera radio programmes.


A. H.  –  How did your background as a lawyer prepare you for the Bubble Art experience?


P.-A. G.  –  It was while presenting our humanitarian U-Man programme that it dawned on me that my own professional experience could really give it substance. By substance, I mean an international dimension, an outreach to others. I had acted as legal counsel for the Movement against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples (MRAP) and for ten years, I had represented the victims of racial incidents and I had battled against the deportation of foreign nationals. But this did not turn me into a legal activist. I believe that a lawyer cannot be an activist. He must stay one step back from the issues he’s involved with. If he becomes an activist, he’s then wrapped up in a cause. You know, when you’ve done a job for thirty-five years, you get to know all the ins and outs, and my work thrilled me to the point that I was ready to carry it on to my last breath. Looking back, I reminisced over old movie sets – I had been assistant film director before studying law – and I also wanted to write. But writing takes time. So, I quit my job to go back to the work that I had loved. 


A. H.  –  Your U-Man programme is about humanitarian action. Why did do you find this interesting? 


P.-A. G.  –  By a stroke of luck, the background of a friend of mine, Benjamin Courlet, a 30-year-old humanitarian and former business student, caught my attention. I wanted to interview him as part of Bubble’s cultural program “Living Culture”. So, with Triangle Génération Humanitaire and Handicap International where he had worked, we did a programme. One thing led to another, and we moved ahead. And it was while doing this show, that I realised that there was a void to fill. When you talk about humanitarianism or environmental protection, you touch a soft spot. What can we do together? How can we help one another? This has now become a trend in France for sure, but also in the EU and abroad, and I am really amazed when I work with young people of how concerned they are about the future of their planet!  


A. H.  –  Your U-Man programme is available in podcast and video format, but also in written form since a transcript is available on your blog on Médiapart. What’s to be found there?


P.-A. G.  –  U-Man is in fact available as radio, video and written programmes. The idea is to get people to discuss and get involved. We’ve also come up with another series, “Founders of Humanitarianism”, in which we recently interviewed Xavier Emmanuelli, the co-founder of Médecins Sans Frontières, but we also plan to interview humanitarian technicians. We also want to organise round table discussions with short videos on humanitarian or environmental topics, such as the “Time to Be”, where we interview an eyewitness speaking directly to viewers. We want to create videos that address people’s concerns and that can be passed on to city officials and later, I hope, to other francophone countries. We will also ultimately try to approach non-French, and non-French-speaking NGOs.


A. H.  –  You have mentioned the link between humanitarianism and the environment, and this will precisely be the theme of Focus in our July issue. How do you see these two interacting?


P.-A. G.  –  We are at a historical turning point when these two concepts are intersecting. The history of humanitarianism goes back to the origins of the laws of war, back to the nineteenth century when the Red Cross was founded, and when it was later developed by the French doctors in the years 1970-1980 with the creation of NGOs like Médecins Sans Frontières, Médecins du Monde, etc. The Brits also developed their own idea of humanitarianism, but differently from the French in that theirs maintains a stronger interaction with the State. Then there are the growing technical considerations of humanitarian operations. And today we see all the excitement around the environment, the questions raised on managing growth, on the meaning of progress. We’ve reached a time when these two themes are coming together and merging into one.


Humanitarian Alternatives, N°11 (July 2019) - Climate change: Understanding, anticipating, adapting

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